
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I'm here. Still...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mind Blown

Scars and all.
Resentment six feet tall.
My heart is yours.
I've zeroed scores.

Failure be damned.
My guns are manned.
I search for land.
Telescope in hand.

My bounce hitting crest.
I hope to coast before I rest.
Plateau this high.
Enjoy the sky.
Bask in my sun.
Undone is done.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


That woe is me shit is for the birds.

Honestly, I never believed it to begin with. I was just trying some reverse psychology on the universe.

Happy New Years people.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I'm wrong.
It's just hit me.
I keep hitting a wall because I'm not right.
In the head.
In my actions.
In my perseverance.
I'm wrong.

Delusional, sad and defeated.
I wish you all a happy holidays.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I do something more worthy of derision. Everyday I feel deserving of this unending sentence of poverty.
My skin is a mess, my clothes dirty and wrinkled. I could be mistaken for a homeless person if I didn't refrain from talking to myself in public and confine it to the safety of my own home.

One day it won't be like this.
I just hope it's one day soon.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bumbling 90th

Somehow, I feel at ease.
Considering what I've been through in the past 3 years, I know I could feel worse.
I'm a delusional crazy person and I have staked my life on my ability to perform in an area where I've only marginally succeeded in the past.
I have good contacts but moderate abilities to make anything of those connections.
I have great ideas and no way of making those ideas come to fruition.
I had faith in myself where maybe I shouldn't have.
I'm a failure.
This feels like another stumbling block on a road to lower mediocrity.
I really thought I was special.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I would give my left ovary...

for a big, hot cup of coffee.