I transferred $2.00 from my savings account so I could get on the subway this afternoon.
My meeting was at 2pm. I made it there, dressed in a beautiful blue suit, pink tie and heels and my aviators.
I looked sharp. A lot of people in my meeting and on the street were kind enough to say so.
On my trip into the city, I ran across a NYT crossword puzzle. What luck.
My trip home was a going to be an ad lib. I had no money to get back and no way to utilize a transfer from my subway ride there. My sneakers were tucked neatly in my bag, ready for the sojourn.
I passed Starbucks, coffee shops, people having lunch in restaurants and cafes. The sun shone brightly and the brisk autumn air lent some much needed energy. If I had to walk back to Brooklyn from midtown, it wasn't a bad day to do it.
The food pantry was closed when I went by yesterday. Not having eaten since the night before, I needed some calories to burn. I shoplifted a chocolate chip cookie from a deli and an apple pie from the farmer's market in Union Square.
I sat peacefully in the park after my meeting and ate my bounty of sweets to fuel myself for the journey home.
Before I started walking, I tried the subway. I hadn't changed into my sneakers yet and didn't want to have to walk all the way to Prospect Heights. Not even on a beautiful day.
The token booth clerk was a woman. Women have no sympathy.I crossed 4th avenue to a different clerk hoping for a man. Hoping for some help. The line never made its way down to less than 4 people. I watched as people came in and out of the subway. I watched one person ask for a swipe and thought begging might work for me also.
One denial was enough. I hung my head in shame glad that everyone within earshot would be on their way in less than the blink of an eye. I watched strollers, art pieces and people with bikes swipe their cards and enter the "Special Entry" door. I watched as the cop on the other side stood with his summons pad within reach. I stood there and watched.
I was ready to walk upstairs, strap on the kicks and start walking.
Then it happened. The cop left his post. Walked right past me to an exit and was gone. I walked over to the "Special Entry" door, helped a woman with her stroller and entered the subway system without paying for it.
I was home in 15 minutes.
I stole lunch, dinner, the hearts of many and a ride home courtesy of the MTA.
I'm also stealing the internet right now.
I should write a book.
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